GI-MS47-03 - Modest Recognition for High Achievements

Biserka Kojic-Prodic (Rudjer Boškovic Institute, Croatia)

There are women at the highest political and business positions, obviously they are getting closer to the gender equality. In science such relations are exceptions. One should expect that the progress in technology will change these relations. Crystallography has immensely influenced technology over a century. Numerous Nobel Prizes for crystallography convincingly illustrate an impact of the field on other branches of science and technology. Among them two were awarded to ladies D. C. Hodgkin (1964) and A. Yonath (2009). In spite of unexpectedly high number of women in crystallography and their significant contributions, they have not been adequately recognised.

During 72 years of IUCr there were 3 lady-presidents, only. A. Bacchi, the first lady-president of ECA was elected after three decades of male domination. The list of extraordinary women in crystallography who were deprived from recognition would surprise many of us. In order to be realistic, one should admit that male scientists are also not saved from such life disappointments. There are strong demands for positive changes and IUCr is working permanently to reach gender equity.

An impact of women on crystallography in Croatia and former Yugoslavia will be presented; the most influential persons and their achievements will be briefly illustrated. Yugoslav Crystallographic Association was established 1966 and in 1991 Croatian Association was formed. In both associations about 50% members have been women. D. Matković Čalogović is the only lady-president of the national association (2018) and M. Đaković is vice-president of ECA (2018).