5th CrysAC workshop on
“Crystallography of ancient metals and metal corrosion”

Organizers: IUCr - CrysAC Commission on Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage
Chair: Gilberto Artioli (University Padua, Italy)
Date: 17th August 2019 (1 day)
Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Room: 25 EI8
Fee: 20 € (included: coffee during coffee breaks)


In keeping with the terms of reference of the Commission, the CrysAC workshop on “The crystallography of ancient metals and metal corrosion” is within the series of one-day workshops organized by the IUCr Commission on Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage, aimed to stimulate knowledge exchange between Crystallographers and researchers interested in Cultural Heritage investigations. Different communities are invited to present reviews of established research, recent results and envisaged trends in key areas of Archaemetry and Conservation Science.

The present workshop will invite scientists from research institutions, Museums, and conservation bodies, in order to illustrate state-of-the-art applications of materials science in the field of archaeometallurgy, diagnostics and conservation of metals, authentication, corrosion processes, and other themes related to ancient metals and metallurgy. Although only invited contributions are planned, all interested people are invited to exchange ideas and discuss the presented topics.


Registration for satellites is already CLOSED!