Neutron Scattering and Imaging for Newcomers

Organizers: Jürg Schefer (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
                    Martin Meven
(RWTH Aachen University and JCNS, FZ Jülich at
                                              Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), Germany,
rbeitskreissprecher DGK/AK7)
Date: 14th to 17th August 2019 (4 days)
Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Room: 20 Seminarraum 127
Fee: free of charge

We have 30 places available for this exciting workshop -- please register early to avoid disappointment!



Neutron Scattering is a very powerful method to investigate novel materials. Especially when focusing on magnetic properties or light atoms, neutron scattering is often the first-choice method. As neutron wavelength and neutron energy are simultaneously in the range of interatomic distances and nuclear or magnetic excitations, neutron scattering has proven to be a key technology in materials science.

This workshop is organized jointly by the German Crystallographic Society (DGK), AK7 and the Swiss Society for Crystallography (SGK) with kind support from the ECM organizing committee (Dr. K. Hradil) and TU Wien, RWTH Aachen, Paul Scherrer Institute, MLZ and SINE2020.

We intend in this workshop to teach the basic techniques to the participants. This is essential to allow them to make the best use of these expensive large-scale facilities during their future career.
Workshops in this field are more and more important as small- and medium flux facilities are closing and are lowering or ending their teaching duties. Going to ECM32 is an ideal location as related scientists are gathering at this conference, especially PhD and Postdoc students.

Teaching the use of state-of-the-art data evaluation programs will round up this workshop.


Neutron Sources
Neutron Diffraction (Elastic, magnetic)
Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Diffuse Scattering
Magnetic Space Groups
Direct Methods
Combined Methods
Neutron Polarimetry
Neutron Imaging
Refinement Techniques
Single Crystal Refinement using JANA2006
Fullprof Powder Diffraction Refinement


Abstracts of the following talks (see details below)
can be downloaded (click on name or title):

Anders Kaestner: Image information and Processing
Margarida Henriques: JANA 2000 (Nuc.+mag)
Sebastian Mühlbauer: SANS with magnetic Applications
Martin Meven: Nuclear Diffraction
Stephan Allenspach: Dynamic Structure Factor Simulations of Common Magnetic Excitations in Solids
Jürg Schefer: Introduction to Neutron Scattering
Reinhard Neder: Diffuse Scattering
Astrid Schneidewind:
Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Markus Strobl: Neutron Imaging
Vladimir Pomjakushin: Magnetic neutron diffraction




Registration for satellites is already CLOSED!