Commercial Exhibition Area

The u-shaped arcaded courtyard (1083 m2), complemented by a 600 m2 tent, will host all commercial exhibition, ~180-220 poster boards and the places, where lunch catering, coffee breaks and poster snacks are offered. Moreover, it is the place of the icebreaker/welcome party after the opening ceremony on Sunday evening.

Small-scale arrangements of the booths, poster groups, and tables were considered in order to achieve ideal interaction between the conference participants. It also gives access to the 1390 m2 green area inside, a place with big trees inviting ECM32 attendees for recreation.

Under the arcades: booths sites no. A01 to A05, B01 to B09, C01 to C04 

Tent in the courtyard: booths no. D01 - to D15

Aula: ECM32 registration desk (green Square)


Exhibtion Area and Exhibitions

Exhibition Area in the arcaded courtyard and list of exhibitors.

For enlargement please click on the picures

Map Cut-Out 1

Map Cut-Out 2

Overview of the Arcade Courtyard